Funny Quotes About Being Too Sensitive

60 Being Sensitive Quotes and Sayings

A highly sensitive person feels too much and thinks too deep about everything and everyone in life. They may be introvert or an extrovert or somewhere in between. Although there are many positive aspects of being a sensitive soul, there are also adversities which affect health, happiness, and success. Read on our collection of being sensitive quotes and sayings and don't lose hope if things go haywire.

"Sensitive people should be treasured. They love deeply and think deeply about life. They are loyal, honest, and true. The simple things sometimes mean the most to them. They don't need to change or harden. Their purity makes them who they are." – Anonymous

Sensitive people process information a little differently, and this is where it makes all the difference. They focus on each detail and sometimes tend to overthink about it. The pain and agony that they go through almost every day of their lives are because they feel and care too much. Either about what others might feel or say or regarding their own judgments about self. They usually keep to themselves, but there should be no shame in expressing your own feelings.

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It is because of their deep feelings and thinkings, their health is affected. They are hurt easily and they tend to eat and sleep too much or too little when they are hurt this affects their health in the long term. Emotional sensitivity is good but too much of everything is bad.

Being soft-hearted and feeling intensely is not a symptom of being weak, it means that you are more alive than anyone with more feelings and compassion.

Famous Quotes About Being Sensitive

  1. "Am I too sensitive to be in this world?"

  2. "To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness…"

  3. "A sensitive soul sees the world through the lens of love."

  4. "Being highly sensitive is both a gift and a responsibility."

  5. "Being a sensitive empath is a beautiful thing as an artist…"

  6. "Sensitive to symptoms could enhance security."- Toba Beta

  7. "For a highly sensitive person, a drizzle feels like a monsoon."

  8. "You value vulnerability over anything else."- Marisa Donnelly

  9. "Highly sensitive beings suffer more but they also love harder…"

  10. "To a sensitive being, pity is not seldom pain."- Herman Melville

  11. "For the most sensitive among us, the noise can be too much."- Jim Carrey

  12. "As a highly sensitive person, every little thing elicits a strong reaction in me."

  13. "Highly sensitive people tend to have stronger emotional responses than others."

  14. "Sensitive person is like an ice; if you warm him, he'll melt."- Kozma Prutkov

  15. "Exaggerated sensitiveness is an expression of the feeling of inferiority."- Alfred Adler

  16. "Everybody is so terribly sensitive about the things they know best."- Norton Juster

  17. "The real warriors in this world are the ones that see the details of another's soul."

  18. "Sensitive people suffer more, but they love more and dream more." – Augusto Cury

  19. "Being overly sensitive to rejection can become a destructive virus."-  Robert Herjavec

  20. "Sensitive souls draw in the negativity of others because they are so open."- John Gray

  21. "It seems my heart is made of tissue paper; I wish the world would handle it more delicately."

  22. "We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain."- Alan Watts

  23. "Be sensitive and try to understand other people's pain. Sometimes that's all they need to heal."

  24. "Every sensitive person carries in himself old cities enclosed by ancient walls."- Robert Walser

  25. "Sensitive people never like the fatigue of justifying their instincts."- Harriet Beecher Stowe

  26. "To be sensitive is fine, but it makes day-to-day living- life -rather painful."- Marisha Pessl

  27. "All sensitive people agree that there is a peculiar emotion provoked by works of art."- Clive Bell

  28. "To be sensitive is fine, but it makes a day-to-day living- life -rather painful." ― Marisha Pessl

  29. "As a highly sensitive person, every little thing elicits a strong reaction in me." ― Tracy M. Kusmierz

  30. "High sensitivity is not a disease or a disorder. It's not something that needs to be overcome or fixed."

  31. "Do not give in too much to feelings. An overly sensitive heart is an unhappy possession on this shaky earth."

  32. "As a highly sensitive person, I can sense your mood from a mile away. Don't try to hide it. You're not fooling me."

  33. "Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears."- Edgar Allan Poe

  34. "People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."- Dan Quayle

  35. "It is because I think so much of warm and sensitive hearts, that I would spare them from being wounded." – Charles Dickens

  36. "Highly sensitive people learned early in life to try to control the external world as a way to attempt to manage their inner one."

  37. "It is usually the imagination that is wounded first, rather than the heart; it being much more sensitive."- Henry David Thoreau

  38. "God's heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small."- Richard J. Foster

  39. "People need to learn that their actions do affect other people. So be careful what you say and do, it's not always just about you."

  40. "Those who are critical don't like being criticized, and those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses."- Suzy Kassem

  41. "A very sensitive person in this stupid world is bound to become mad…. Only meditation can save him from becoming mad."-  Rajneesh

  42. "Even a moderate and familiar stimulation, like a day at work, can cause a highly sensitive person to need quiet by evening."- Elaine N. Aron

  43. "Women are sensitive, they overthink every little thing and they care way more than they should, but that's what makes their love so strong."

  44. "Highly sensitive people learned early in life to try to control the external world as a way to attempt to manage their inner one." ― Sheryl Paul

  45. "Be sensitive to the plight of others. You have to know about the tragedies as well as the triumphs, the failures as well as the success."- Jim Rohn

  46. "Do not give in too much to feelings. A overly sensitive heart is an unhappy possession on this shaky earth."- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  47. "You cannot make everyone think and feel as deeply as you do. This is your tragedy because you understand them but they do not understand you."

  48. "To the girls who get called sensitive too often, don't let the bitter in the heart stop you from feeling everything deeply. To feel is to experience life fully."

  49. "Sensitive people either love deeply or they regret deeply. There really is no middle ground because they live in passionate extremes."- Shannon L. Alder

  50. "Always try to be more sensitive about people's feelings. Because there are times that a tear means happiness and a smile means hurt."- Rani Waghule

  51. "Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use."- Emily Post

  52. "We often add to our pain and suffering by being overly sensitive, over-reacting to minor things, and sometimes taking things too personally."-Dalai Lama

  53. "To the girls who get called sensitive too often, don't let the bitter in heart stop you from feeling everything deeply. To feel is to experience life fully."- Sarah Ashley

  54. "I'm extremely-extremely sensitive. I can cry at the drop of a hat…Anything upsets me. I cry all the time. I cry when I'm happy too." ― Mandy Moore

  55. "No matter who it is or how comfortable you are with someone, when anyone yells at you or talks down to you, you immediately erupt in tears." — Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

  56. "Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. It's a sign that you have a big heart, and that you aren't afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength."

  57. "I'm almost never serious, and I'm always too serious. Too deep, too shallow. Too sensitive, too cold hearted. I'm like a collection of paradoxes."- Ferdinand de Saussure

  58. "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."- Henry David Thoreau

  59. "The struggle of life is one of our greatest blessings. It makes us patient, sensitive, and Godlike. It teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."- Helen Keller

  60. "Sensitive people like a slower pace of life. We like pondering all our options before making a decision and regularly reflecting on our experiences. We hate busy schedules and rushing from one event to the next." — Jenn Granneman

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